Another location from our Aberdeen trip in February with @DustySensorPhotography . We didn't have the highest hopes for the seminary itself - after a fair amount of recent visits and coverage, we had been shared some fairly intimidating pictures of internal CCTV on each corridor. Nevertheless, only a twenty minute taxi out of the city, we figured it was worth a look, even to see the impressive structure up close. The theatre was relatively easy as most activity was at the front of the site where the museum is based. Following that, we surveyed the main building to find it sealed as expected, with many new cameras on each corner.
Here are some photographs of the theatre. Since it has been disused as far back as the 80s, it is in good condition with all the seating remaining and some nice artefacts of the past.
Decided to do one with natural light.
The hanged up 'Jesus' portrait is the blur at the top of this shot.
That's all for the images. Here is the link to the two place video we made on Scottish leisure facilities, including this theatre and a pool. We cover the building's past, present and future through cinematics and narration: