Time Capsule Paper Mill

In my eyes, this is one of, if not the best industrial urban exploration in England currently. Our main enjoyment in sites is decay and it is wondrous in some parts of the structure. The fact that the site went through an overnight closure only adds to the wonder as it really feels as if you are heading back in time with virtually everything left inside the property. Even though this one has been done since what, 2008(?), we still have been desperate to do it and are very content that we finally managed it.

Remains of wood pulp, the raw material for paper

Exporting room

The 'pulp mashers,' would break the pulp down and bleach it

The newer paper rolling machine, and some other bits

Spare rollers

The older rolling machines, in one of the more scintillating rooms we have ever been in


Medical room

Machinery to put the paper into rolls

Higher ranked worker offices and board room

Sorry for the abundance of photos - it's hard to pick from a place so photogenic.

Here you can find our documentary styled video on this site. We cover the paper mill's past, present and future through cinematics and narration: