Decaying Asylum

Some of the beautiful decaying corridors the expansive site has to offer

Kitchens and wash areas

Other miscellaneous bits

I found the colour and the decay in this section unbelievable. Every room was priceless to me

Before we settled down to sleep in the forest beside the asylum, we wandered through the grounds looking at the other buildings, most of which were sealed. Surprisingly, this long two storey facility at the top of the site wasn't, and we were able to slip in before sunset and explore it. The building had a lot of interesting architectural features that reminded me of the original UK asylums that I sadly missed. One weird sighting occurred out of the window, when we looked down to see two nuns playing a game of tennis in what was the asylum's car park. I guess there's always something new to see.

Surprisingly, the power worked in almost every room.

To finish off, we discovered rooms stacked full of patient reports, and could have spent hours reading them. It's so interesting that these were left.

Here's the link to our documentary styled videos of this site. We cover the building's past, present and future through cinematics and narration: